How You Can Help

Could you support Gateway?

A £5 donation can help us have a cup of tea and a meaningful conversation with over 60 people!

Whether you’re an individual or a business, there are lots of ways you can help Gateway support those in need.

Ways to donate

Dropping off essential items

Tea, coffee, sugar and UHT milk are the unsung heroes at Gateway and the key to our continued success. We run a breakfast club that helps individuals gain structure to their day, check in emotionally with staff and set about their actions for the day. A simple brew also offers a warm welcome on arrival which is vital for our support to begin.

Donating money

Cash donations can be received at each site where a member of staff will provide a receipt. Any income collected this way will be used to keep essential items on stock at the project; from bedding to welcome packs. You could also support us by donating to our breakfast club appeal.

Business & crowdfunding donations

Gateway welcomes the support of any business or personal donations to help create a real difference for the people we serve. If you would like to donate, please email us at and we will be in touch to discuss the options with you and to ensure the donations are spent in a way that guarantees maximum impact.

Donate to our breakfast club

We run a breakfast club that helps individuals gain structure to their day, check in emotionally with staff and set about their actions for the day. We’re looking to raise £1,000 to keep our breakfast club going.

Want to donate? It’s quick and easy through our Just Giving page.

Donate now

Homelessness Q&As

I’ve seen someone sleeping rough. How can I help?

The best thing you can do is direct them to their local council. Local authorities have a duty to help people experiencing homelessness. Depending on their circumstances, the council may be able to offer emergency accommodation or help them secure longer-term accommodation. If possible, rough sleepers should approach the council they have a local connection to. This will usually be wherever they have most recently lived. To find contact information for local councils, visit the Gov.UK website here.

What is being done to support homeless individuals in Lancashire?

Gateway is just a single part of a much larger collection of services and community initiatives that aim to alleviate homelessness across Lancashire.

Gateway is working with a number of local authorities to provide a wraparound service.

Gateway has been commissioned to provide supported accommodation, outreach, early intervention and resettlement programmes.

Why are there so many homeless people in East Lancashire?

East Lancashire, like many other locations across the world, sees individuals and families struggling from time to time and this can lead to homelessness.

Homelessness can affect anyone and behind every person, there is a story of what has happened and an individual approach needed to provide support if they would like to take the help.

Homelessness can be as a result, and often a mix of, debt and poverty, lack of positive connections, substance misuse and struggles around mental health.

This is why projects such as Gateway are essential. We provide a safe and stable environment while support is put in place to help people take steps towards their own goals.

Why do people become homeless?

The exact causes of homelessness vary from person to person. However, there are a number of common factors that contribute to individuals becoming homeless. These include things like substance abuse and addiction, mental health conditions, physical disabilities and isolation.

Is it okay to talk to someone homeless or begging?

Definitely! Provided you feel comfortable to do so, a quick chat or even just a smile can have a huge impact.

Should I give money to homeless people begging on the street?

This is a divisive topic.

Our viewpoint is that you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. If giving money makes you feel conflicted, you shouldn’t feel under any pressure to do so.

A good alternative would be to make a donation to your local homelessness charity. This way, you can feel confident that your money will go towards effective support for homeless individuals.

In some cases, providing a bottle of water or having a quick chat may be more beneficial.

If you feel confident to do so, the best thing may be to put them in contact with their local council.

Why would a homeless person not want to access support?

Sometimes, homeless individuals will face a number of barriers to support.

Depending on their experiences, they may even feel they are better off on the streets.

Part of our job is to overcome these barriers and build relationships with the individuals we come into contact with.

What we do - An outreach navigator engaging a rough sleeper

Volunteer with us

Are you interested in volunteering at Gateway?

There are several ways you can get involved in our services.

Call us on 0300 3033976 or email for further information.

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